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How Do Competitors Behave on th Social Floor?
Posted by Len
8/9/1999  2:58:00 AM
My partner and I want to dance competitively. We often go out social dancing to get practice. Recently we had a huge argument concerning etiquette on the floor. I felt that she was pulling me up 1 or 2 steps before the next couple because I wanted to dance right up to the next couple. I did not want to unnecessarily anticipate collisions. I felt that her dancing was over cautious. She on the other hand thinks that my dancing is not appropriate for the social scene. That we should be more cautious and carefull in the social scene. My fear is that we may pick up bad habits because we do not dance out. Should we be using the social venues for practicing our social dancing? Should we change our approach to dancing if we do? Should the female dancer anticipate collisions or is it entirely the male dancers role to control the general direction of movement?


re: How Do Competitors Behave on th Social Floor?
Posted by Larry Richardson
8/18/1999  1:25:00 AM
Most drag racers don't "practice" in the streets....Dancing is no different.
re: How Do Competitors Behave on th Social Floor?
Posted by Amy
8/9/1999  3:21:00 AM
Hi, I am a competitive standard dancer and I think proper etiquette on a social floor is extremely important so that everyone has a good time. When my partner and I practice on the social floor, it is specifically to practice "driving." We are getting experience trying to fit our routines in when other people are getting in the way. I have to be able to follow any change in the routine that he has to make. It is very important as the follower that I keep my eye out and warn my partner if there is an impending collision. It does take some practice to warn him the right amount. By a simple sqeeze of the arm he can tell if I want him to slow down, stop completely, or just change direction. Leaders have to have good driving skills before you can really move out on a social dance floor.


re: How Do Competitors Behave on th Social Floor?
Posted by Karen
8/9/1999  3:26:00 AM
I am only speaking from my personal observations and opinion. I have been to a large number of social dancing venues over the years. I have found that the rules on the dance floor vary, depending upon the owner/host and the rules they set. Often, the rules are unspoken, and you have to figure them out over time. But sometimes, the rules will be printed out.

Here is an example at the following link http://www.metronomeballroom.com/parties_f.html of a printed set of guidelines.

As far as a partner anticipating a collision, well, it depends upon what type of dance you are doing. In some dances, like West Coast Swing, the follower has a choice when she is going down the slot as to how far she goes if she sees a collision. This usually doesn't impact the leader too much because they are dancing in an open position. With many ballroom dances, anything the follower does will have an impact on the leader. And certain actions on the part of the follower could throw the leader off balance and even cause a collision.

In my opinion, if a follower feels unsafe on the dance floor because of something that the leader is doing, she does have several recourses. If there is time, she can tell her partner she is uncomfortable and why. If there isn't time, she may just react instinctively to protect herself. If her partner is continually putting her in unsafe situations, she can also decide to leave the dance floor as politely as possible. The fact that a follower feels unsafe on the dance floor may or may not have anything to do with a leader's actions. Dancing with another person, especially in a follower's position, requires a certain amount of trust, skill and self confidence as well. One is somewhat vulnerable and sometimes in certain situations one may be more uncomfortable in certain situations than others.

Usually, I have found it best to deal with the immediate situation in as painless a way as possible for both parties and then later to talk your partner, in a non-stressful environment out of the public eye/ear. Then it is easier to discuss what happened and how both of you would like to handle the situation in the future. The first time it happens, it is hard to know what to do. But, as time and experience continue, it is easier to learn ways to deal with things. However, it is usually something you plan in advance after having done it the way you don't want to do it. It is hard to think and know what to do when an unexpected, never-before-encountered situation occurs. Hindsight is easier...

Certainly patience and forgiveness are helpful tools in any relationship, be it dance or any other kind.


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